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7-Zip 15.14 正式版发布

减小字体 增大字体 作者:华军  来源:华军资讯  发布时间:2019-3-5 0:47:25

摘要:下载地址:下载地址::7-Zip 15.14?Final x86 (1.06 MB)7-Zip 15.14?Final x64 (1.31 MB)更新列表:更新列表:15.14 2015-12-31- 7-Zip File Manager:- The code for "Open file from archive" operation was improved.- The code for "Tools/Options" window was improved.- The BUG was fixed: there was incorrect mouse cursor capture fordrag-and-drop operations from open archive to Explorer window.- Some bugs were fixed.- New localization: Yoruba.本文来源:cnbeta网站责任编辑:王珏_NT2830- The code for "Tools/Options" window was improved.- The BUG was fixed: there was incorrect mouse cursor capture fordrag-and-drop operations from open archive to Explorer window.- Some bugs were fixed.- New localization: Yoruba.本文来源:cnbeta网站责任编辑:王珏_NT2830本文来源:cnbeta网站责任编辑:王珏_NT2830

7-Zip 15.14 正式版发布