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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:网上搜集  发布时间:2019-1-15 15:38:46

In JavaScript Renato Mangini, How to convert ArrayBuffer to and from StringAxel Rauschmayer, Typed Arrays in ECMAScript 6Set和MapMozilla Developer Network, WeakSet:介绍WeakSet数据结构Dwayne Charrington, What Are Weakmaps In ES6?: WeakMap数据结构介绍Axel Rauschmayer, ECMAScript 6: maps and sets: Set和Map结构的详细介绍Jason Orendorff, ES6 In Depth: Collections:Set和Map结构的设计思想Axel Rauschmayer, Converting ES6 Maps to and from JSON: 如何将Map与其他数据结构互相转换IteratorMozilla Developer Network, Iterators and generatorsMozilla Developer Network, The Iterator protocolJason Orendorff, ES6 In Depth: Iterators and the for-of loop: 遍历器与for...of循环的介绍Axel Rauschmayer, Iterators and generators in ECMAScript 6: 探讨Iterator和Generator的设计目的Axel Rauschmayer, Iterables and iterators in ECMAScript 6: Iterator的详细介绍Kyle Simpson, Iterating ES6 Numbers: 在数值对象上部署遍历器GeneratorMatt Baker, Replacing callbacks with ES6 GeneratorsSteven Sanderson, Experiments with Koa and JavaScript Generatorsjmar777, What's the Big Deal with Generators?Marc Harter, Generators in Node.js: Common Misconceptions and Three Good Use Cases: 讨论Generator函数的作用StackOverflow, ES6 yield : what happens to the arguments of the first call next()?: 第一次使用next方法时不能带有参数Kyle Simpson, ES6 Generators: Complete Series: 由浅入深探讨Generator的系列文章,共四篇Gajus Kuizinas, The Definitive Guide to the JavaScript Generators: 对Generator的综合介绍Jan Krems, Generators Are Like Arrays: 讨论Generator可以被当作数据结构看待Harold Cooper, Coroutine Event Loops in Javascript: Generator用于实现状态机Ruslan Ismagilov, learn-generators: 编程练习,共6道题Steven Sanderson, Experiments with Koa and JavaScript Generators: Generator入门介绍,以Koa框架为例Mahdi Dibaiee, ES7 Array and Generator comprehensions:ES7的Generator推导Nicolas Bevacqua, ES6 Generators in DepthAxel Rauschmayer, ES6 generators in depth: Generator规格的详尽讲解Derick Bailey, Using ES6 Generators To Short-Circuit Hierarchical Data Iteration:使用 for...of 循环完成预定的操作步骤Promise对象Jake Archibald, JavaScript Promises: There and back againTilde, rsvp.jsSandeep Panda, An Overview of JavaScript Promises: ES6 Promise入门介绍Dave Atchley, ES6 Promises: Promise的语法介绍Axel Rauschmayer, ECMAScript 6 promises (2/2): the API: 对ES6 Promise规格和用法的详细介绍Jack Franklin, Embracing Promises in JavaScript: catch方法的例子Ronald Chen, How to escape Promise Hell: 如何使用Promise.all方法的一些很好的例子异步操作和Async函数Luke Hoban, Async Functions for ECMAScript: Async函数的设计思想,与Promise、Gernerator函数的关系Jafar Husain, Asynchronous Generators for ES7: Async函数的深入讨论Nolan Lawson, Taming the asynchronous beast with ES7: async函数通俗的实例讲解Jafar Husain, Async Generators: 对async与Generator混合使用的一些讨论Daniel Brain, Understand promises before you start using async/await: 讨论async/await与Promise的关系ClassSebastian Porto, ES6 classes and JavaScript prototypes: ES6 Class的写法与ES5 Prototype的写法对比Jack Franklin, An introduction to ES6 classes: ES6 class的入门介绍Axel Rauschmayer, ECMAScript 6: new OOP features besides classesAxel Rauschmayer, Classes in ECMAScript 6 (final semantics): Class语法的详细介绍和设计思想分析Eric Faust, ES6 In Depth: Subclassing: Class语法的深入介绍Nicolás Bevacqua, Binding Methods to Class Instance Objects: 如何绑定类的实例中的thisDecoratorMaximiliano Fierro, Declarative vs Imperative: Decorators和Mixin介绍Justin Fagnani, "Real" Mixins with JavaScript Classes: 使用类的继承实现MixinAddy Osmani, Exploring ES2016 Decorators: Decorator的深入介绍Sebastian McKenzie, Allow decorators for functions as well: 为什么修饰器不能用于函数Maximiliano Fierro, Traits with ES7 Decorators: Trait的用法介绍Jonathan Creamer: Using ES2016 Decorators to Publish on an Event Bus: 使用修饰器实现自动发布事件ModuleJack Franklin, JavaScript Modules the ES6 Way: ES6模块入门Axel Rauschmayer, ECMAScript 6 modules: the final syntax: ES6模块的介绍,以及与CommonJS规格的详细比较Dave Herman, Static module resolution: ES6模块的静态化设计思想Jason Orendorff, ES6 In Depth: Modules: ES6模块设计思想的介绍Ben Newman, The Importance of import and export: ES6模块的设计思想ESDiscuss, Why is "export default var a = 1;" invalid syntax?工具Babel, Babel Handbook: Babel的用法介绍Google, traceur-compiler: Traceur编译器Casper Beyer, ECMAScript 6 Features and ToolsStoyan Stefanov, Writing ES6 today with jstransformES6 Module Loader, ES6 Module Loader Polyfill: 在浏览器和node.js加载ES6模块的一个库,文档里对ES6模块有详细解释Paul Miller, es6-shim: 一个针对老式浏览器,模拟ES6部分功能的垫片库(shim)army8735, Javascript Downcast: 国产的ES6到ES5的转码器esnext, ES6 Module Transpiler:基于node.js的将ES6模块转为ES5代码的命令行工具Sebastian McKenzie, BabelJS: ES6转译器SystemJS, SystemJS: 在浏览器中加载AMD、CJS、ES6模块的一个垫片库Modernizr, HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills: ES6垫片库清单Facebook, regenerator: 将Generator函数转为ES5的转码器

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