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减小字体 增大字体 作者:华军  来源:华军资讯  发布时间:2019-2-13 22:00:07

原标题:【周末口语训练营】多年以后,你们还会聊起教过自己的老师吗?周末口语训练营你最喜欢哪一位老师呢?她是个什么样的人?你知道该如何来形容吗?来听今天的讲解:A: Who was the best teacher that you ever had?你曾经经历的老师,哪一个最好?B: That would have to be Miss Baymler, my fourth grade teacher.Miss.Baymler,我四年级的老师。A: What was she like?她什么样子呢?B: She was patient, kind, fun, smart, caring, and yet strict, too. I really learned a lot from her.她非常的耐心、友善、有意思、聪明、会关心别人但是也非常严格。我从她身上学到了很多。A: What kind of things did you learn?那你学到什么了呢?B: She taught us that you can do anything that you want to do.她教会我们只要你想就会实现任何的事情。A: Anything? Do you really believe that we can do anything ?任何事情?你真的相信我们能做任何的事情吗?B: If you really want to do something and you work hard at it, I believe you can do it.如果你想实现某件事情的话你一定要非常努力,我相信你能做到。A: You said she was strict. Did she have a lot of rules?你说她很严厉。她是不是有很多的规矩?B: She had some rules that helped us to feel comfortable. For example, the students had to treat each other with respect, or they would be disciplined.她是有很多规矩让我们感觉很舒服。比如她教会我们要相互尊重,否则会受到处罚。A: I see. She sounds like she really cared about her students.我看出来她对学生都非常的关心。B:Yes. She treated us all fairly, she don’t have any teacher’s pets.是的,她对每一个学生都非常的公平,她没有“老师的宠物”。A: Really? Doesn’t every teacher have a teacher’s pet?真的?不是每个老师都有“老师的宠物”吗?B: Well. To be honest, I usually sucked up to teachers because I wanted them to give me good grades. However, Miss Baymler didn’t treat me any differently. She really didn’t have any teacher’s pets.说实话,我经常拍老师马屁,因为我觉得老师会给我一个好的分数。然而,她并没有对我有所不同。A: Do you know what she is doing now?你知道她现在在做什么吗?B: As a matter of fact, I do. After she taught our class, she got married and moved to another city. Then, she started writing children’s book.事实上我是知道的。她教完我们后结婚了,搬到到了另外一座城市,开始创作儿童读物。A: Have you ever read one of the books?你读过那些书吗?B: Of course! Both children and adults enjoy her books.当然!大人和孩子都喜欢她的书。A: Why don’t you recommend one to me?那为什么不推荐一本给我呢?B: OK! I’ll bring one to you next time.好的,下次我给你带一本!《周末口语训练营》是原有的《趣味青春英语》的内容精编版,我们会在每期介绍一组对话,由Peter老师和子宁老师为我们讲解。点击“阅读原文谢谢大家的支持!
