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??英文绘本故事丨聪明可爱的小奶牛, 找到了安然入睡的好方法
原标题:??英文绘本故事丨聪明可爱的小奶牛, 找到了安然入睡的好方法▲长按保存图片,可分享至朋友圈Cuddly Cow《咕噜牛》作者:Axel Scheffler点绿色圆圈听故事▼学两个故事里的单词▼一头可爱的奶牛,她叫咕噜牛,平日里很爱讲究,睡觉是她每天最不愿将就的事情,每次都要找个最舒服的地方才睡得着觉。这次她要找个什么样的地方睡觉呢?故事英文原稿滑动灰色区域翻页↓↓↓Cuddly Cow was sleepy, so she sighed and gave a yawn.“It must be time for bed by now-I`ve been awake since dawn.”Standing in her field, she said,“These cows are far too loud.I must find peace and quiet. I can`t sleep in such a crowd!”She walked around the farm until she found the chicken shed.“There’s too much clucking here.” she mooed, “For me to go to bed!”So she set off again to try the stable with the horse.“Can I sleep here, please?”Cuddly asked.But Horse said,“Neigh!”of course.The pigpen seemed a good idea, but it was noisy, too.The quacking ducks chimed in as well.Then she knew what to do!Cuddly Cow dashed to a field and found a flock of sheep.Then she began to count them all and soon fell fast asleep!听完故事的宝贝来复习一下故事的内容吧▼家长陪孩子听故事,可以问:生活好问题:英语好问题:故事有奖互动在留言里写下孩子对以上任一问题的答案。截至明天 10:00,前三个回答的小朋友,可以获得大熊线上图书馆 10 天会员期奖励。
??英文绘本故事丨聪明可爱的小奶牛, 找到了安然入睡的好方法