Recent Events in May
原标题:Recent Events in MayRethinking Food and Agricultural Trade Negotiations: Identifying Options for ProgressORGANISED BY ICTSD, FAO9 MAY 2018| GenevaThis dialogue will create a space for international policy-makers, negotiators, farm groups and other policy actors to explore options for negotiating food and agricultural trade in the new policy environment. It will explore the evolving landscape of global agricultural markets and policy; examine the implications of the proliferation of preferential trade deals and national policies affecting food and agriculture; and consider how these developments could shape ongoing talks on farm trade at the multilateral level, in the light of Agenda 2030 commitments.This event is by invitation only.Negotiations on Fisheries Subsidies: Understanding Overcapacity and OverfishingORGANISED BY ICTSD15 MAY 2018| Geneva, SwitzerlandAs negotiations on fisheries subsidies restart in May 2018, Members will have the opportunity to explore several key questions about establishing new rules on subsidies that contribute to overcapacity and overfishing. This event will consist of an informal moderated discussion at which experts will provide input on key background questions on the concepts of overfishing and overcapacity, and provide independent perspectives regarding possible implications of current negotiating texts.The event will build on previous ICTSD dialogues and research on these topics, in particular ICTSD’s recwent publication: "Fisheries Subsidies Rules at the WTO: A Compilation of Evidence and Analysis".This dialogue is part of the first set of dialogues of the ICTSD initiative "WTO: Paths Forward". Building on the outcomes of MC11 in Buenos Aires, this initiative will provide a platform to exchange perspectives and in-depth analysis on possible options for WTO-based processes going forward and into the 12th Ministerial Conference.Disciplining Fossil Fuel Subsidies for Climate Mitigation: What Trade Policy Options?ORGANISED BY ICTSD24 MAY 2018| Geneva, SwitzerlandThis event aims to demonstrate the urgency of tackling fossil fuel subsidies and discuss several reform options which could be considered by the trade system. The dialogue will consist of two sessions. The first will showcase impacts of fossil fuel subsidies on climate change, health and the energy transition. The second session will make the case for using the trade system to address fossil fuel subsidies and discuss potential options to this end.
Recent Events in May