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微软发布SilverLight 5.0或成为终结版

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:翔宇亭IT乐园  发布时间:2019-1-3 2:48:51

:2011-12-11 12:07:34

微软于昨日正式发布了Silverlight 5。据很多知情人士透露,Silverlight 5很有可能将成为Silverlight的终结版,不过这个消息一直没有得到微软官方的确认。微软将一直支持Silverlight 5使用到2021年。

微软的工作重心逐渐远离Silverlight也不是没有迹象的,早些时候他们就暗示过HTML5是互联网的未来,而且在Windows 8中引入WinRT也证明微软确实是在向该方向迈进。不过,这也并不是意味着你在未来就看不到Silverlight,因为Windows Phone应用的开发也还要依靠Silverlight。

和以往的旧版本一样,新版本同样支持包括Windows、Mac、IE、Firefox、Google Chrome和Safari在内的各个平台。

Microsoft officials didn’t use the release of Silverlight 5 as a chance to offer further guidance as to the platform’s future. We still have no word on when or if there will be a Silverlight 6. There’s also still no official confirmation or denial from the company about rumors I’ve heard that there won’t be a Mix 2012 conference next year.

A list of some of Silverlight 5’s features can be found in today’s post on the Silverlight blog. Among those features: Hardware decode of H.264 media; extensionof the trusted application model to the browser; and graphics stack improvements with 3D support using the XNA programming interface on Windows.


微软发布SilverLight 5.0或成为终结版