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模拟山羊 v1.0.28026升级档+破解补丁下载

减小字体 增大字体 作者:华军  来源:华军资讯  发布时间:2019-2-18 1:50:01

名称:模拟山羊 v1.0.28026升级档+破解补丁运行游戏:WinXP,WinVista,Win7补丁说明:此次更新的升级挡集成游戏发售至今的全部升级档。并且附加了破解补丁。玩家可以根据需要自行安装。更新说明:-> Added more goats.-> Added more goatiness to the map.-> Added and fixed achievements.-> Increased the simulation realism by 25%.-> Goat tongue realism increased by an additional 25%.-> NPCs are now fully self aware and often ponder the meaning of life.-> Added and removed profanity filter.-> Flappy Goat hitbox unchanged.-> Probably added some bugs.-> Probably broke some workshop items.-> Sheep are not goats.-> Made a GUI in visual basic to track the assailants ip address.使用方法:1、解压缩2、安装Update文件夹下的升级补丁到游戏目录3、复制Crack文件夹下的破解补丁到游戏目录覆盖4、运行游戏相关推荐:模拟山羊 简体中文免安装硬盘版下载游戏截图:车祸圈养宴会菜单栏名称:模拟山羊 v1.0.28026升级档+破解补丁运行游戏:WinXP,WinVista,Win7补丁说明:此次更新的升级挡集成游戏发售至今的全部升级档。并且附加了破解补丁。玩家可以根据需要自行安装。更新说明:-> Added more goats.-> Added more goatiness to the map.-> Added and fixed achievements.-> Increased the simulation realism by 25%.-> Goat tongue realism increased by an additional 25%.-> NPCs are now fully self aware and often ponder the meaning of life.-> Added and removed profanity filter.-> Flappy Goat hitbox unchanged.-> Probably added some bugs.-> Probably broke some workshop items.-> Sheep are not goats.-> Made a GUI in visual basic to track the assailants ip address.使用方法:1、解压缩2、安装Update文件夹下的升级补丁到游戏目录3、复制Crack文件夹下的破解补丁到游戏目录覆盖4、运行游戏相关推荐:模拟山羊 简体中文免安装硬盘版下载游戏截图:车祸圈养宴会菜单栏

模拟山羊 v1.0.28026升级档+破解补丁下载