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第2弹 | 商务英语和日常英语的形式区别了解一下!

减小字体 增大字体 作者:华军  来源:华军资讯  发布时间:2019-2-10 1:26:12

原标题:第2弹 | 商务英语和日常英语的形式区别了解一下!上一期对比了商务英语和日常英语的词汇差别,这期一起来了解下两者之间在形式上的不同。日常英语相对较为口语化,而商务英语通常在办公环境使用,较为正式。不论邮件、开会、工作沟通,简单明了直接点出重点的句子更为实用。就拿以下的例子来说,请注意商务英语栏中使用的正式程度。give & provideRegular English:Give him your report.给他你的报告。Business English:Please provide him with your report.请提供给他你的报告。In this example, “provide” is deemed as more formal – and therefore more appropriate in the workplace – compared to the more casual “give”.在这个例子中,相比于非正式的“give”, “provide”被认为是更正式的 - 因此在工作场所更合适。talk & discussRegular English:Let’s talk about this.我们来谈谈这个。Business English:Let us discuss this.让我们来讨论这项事。Talk is a word that connotes informality. You can have a “talk” with other people you do not need to do business with. “Discuss”, on the other hand, gives a sense of formality and professionalism that is absent in casual discussions.“talk” 是一个非正式的词,你可以和他人交谈但不一定要谈论商业内容。另一方面,“discuss”给人一种正式、专业感。help & assistanceRegular English:I need some help.我需要帮忙。Business English:I require some assistance.我需要一些协助。Similarly, asking for help suggests a more casual discussion. Requiring some assistance from a colleague, however, adds a sense of formality and professionalism.同样的,寻求帮助更适用非正式场合。然而,需要同事的协助增加了正式感和专业感。make sure & ensureRegular English:Do make sure that she comes tomorrow.确保她明天来。Business English:Please ensure that she comes tomorrow.请确保她明天过来。Besides sounding more professional, using “ensure” instead of “make sure” adds an element of brevity to the sentence, which is preferred in Business English.除了听起来更专业,使用“ensure”而不是“make sure”使句子更加简洁,这在商务英语中是首选。tell more & elaborateRegular English:Can you tell me more about the issue?你能提供关于这个问题的更多解释吗?Business English:Can you elaborate on the issue?你能详细说明这个问题吗?Instead of using several words to explain something, one word can be used to simplify and summarise the same idea. In Business English, brevity is favoured over verbosity. The underlying idea is that people have little time to spare in the workplace, so the quicker you transmit your message, the sooner you and/or your colleagues can get back to the work you are doing.用一个词来简化和总结相同的想法,而不是用几个词来解释某些事情。 在商务英语中,简洁比冗长赘言有利。 主要是因为人们在职场里没有多少空闲时间,所以传递信息的速度越快,你或你的同事越能迅速投入到工作中。““商务英语”在考虑正式表达的同时确保语言简洁明了。不同的用词、形式,表达出的正式程度会有所差别,因此准确使用商务英语才可以驰骋职场。”

第2弹 | 商务英语和日常英语的形式区别了解一下!