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王力宏获博士学位纯英文演讲:完美诠释“偶像” | 英语演讲

减小字体 增大字体 作者:华军  来源:华军资讯  发布时间:2019-2-27 22:42:24

原标题:王力宏获博士学位纯英文演讲:完美诠释“偶像” | 英语演讲40岁的王力宏获得了伯克利音乐学院的博士学位,并设立“王力宏全额奖学金”,用来奖励来自中国的年轻音乐人。下面是王力宏接受伯克利音乐学院授予博士学位的视频,他还发表了一个3分钟的英文演讲,惊艳了全场。让我们一起感受他完美的发音。在视频演讲中,王力宏用流利的英语真诚地表达了自己对母校授予他荣誉的敬意和感谢。Oh, my goodness, what an honor. I am just so humbled and excited to be here looking out at all of you.哦,我的老天,多么大的一份荣誉。在这里看着大家,我既诚惶诚恐,又激动万分。Being back here on campus is … I feel so proud to have studied here. And … that’s 16 years ago, but … I used to come to Symphony Hall every weekend and get those rush tickets, the student packs, and watch the Boston Symphony Orchestra perform as often as possible, often by myself.重新回到这里真的是…我为自己曾在此学习过而感到自豪。已经是16年前了,但是…我以前经常一个人在周末来到交响乐大厅,抢一些所谓的“赶急票”,来欣赏波士顿交响乐团的表演。And it was one of the highlights of my time here at Berklee, so being here on stage is really unreal. Walking around on campus today was a testament to how far Berklee’s come in the last 16 years. It is beautiful, the campus, the facilities. I was walking by the MP&E, the studios, the equipment, the fitness center. We didn’t have any of these stuffs. So I guess you guys have been doing a pretty good job. So thank you, and congratulations to that. What a time for the East and West in music, in pop culture.这是我在伯克利学习生活的众多亮点之一了,所以能来到这个台上实属不易。今天我在校园漫步,感受到了母校在这16年间的变化之大。她太美了,无论是环境还是设施。我还路过MP&E,那些工作室,一些设施,对了还有一个健身中心。我们那会儿可没有这玩意儿。所以校方的努力非常的棒,谢谢你们,也祝贺你们。这是一个东西方在音乐、流行文化中交流的伟大时代。All of you, music lovers, future musicians, future professional musicians on the stage, and like what Roger just said, it’s so important for us to be ambassadors, to be that bridge, to be ambassadors of peace, and breaking down the walls, bringing people together. Last night … this is an issue that’s so close in my heart, because last night in Los Angeles, my dear friend Jackie Chan was the first person … first Chinese actor ever to win an Oscar, last night! I just want to thank all of you for being here, that’s why we make music, is to connect with people.在座的各位,无论你是音乐发烧友、未来的音乐人,还是未来专业的舞台表演音乐家,就像Roger刚所说的,我们要成为大使,这一点非常重要。我们要成为沟通东西方的桥梁,成为和平的使者,我们要消除阻碍,把人和人连接起来。对了,跟大家说一件很激动人心的事情,昨天晚上在洛杉矶,我的好朋友成龙大哥成为了第一个获得奥斯卡小金人的中国演员,就在昨天晚上。真的感谢大家今天来到这儿,这也是让我做音乐的原因—把人连接起来。I’ve never written a song without loving it myself. So for all of you musicians, always follow your heart and always do what you love. I’ve definitely … you know … never convince yourself that what other people are telling you to do is right if you don’t feel like it’s right in your heart. As a musician, it just doesn’t work.我还从来没有写出过一首我自己不爱的歌曲呢。所以,各位音乐人,请跟随自己的心,做自己爱做的事。如果你内心不认可的事情,那么无论别人怎么说,你都别动摇。作为一个音乐人,不这么做是行不通的。So work like a bull, I guess … and always have fun. And all the accolades don’t mean anything without your friends and your family to share with. So Thank You to them as well for being here together, and always.最后,像老黄牛一样工作,并且保持快乐。另外,我还想说,如果你不能把这份快乐跟你的朋友、家人分享的话,那么所有的赞美都是没有意义的。所以,我要感谢今天出席典礼的朋友和家人。或许王力宏就是通过他的颜值与才华完美定义了什么才是“偶像”。往期 回 顾()书福利【END】

王力宏获博士学位纯英文演讲:完美诠释“偶像” | 英语演讲