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EXCEL 避免重复录入数据

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:网上搜集  发布时间:2019-1-26 10:14:50

由 ?﹏???ζ???﹏﹏? 创建, 最后一次修改 2015-11-04 .中国教程网zhangditony翻译,转载请保留此信息 . 1. Select a range of cells, for example, E2:E10.2. From the Data menu, select Validation.3. Select the Settings tab.4. From the Allow dropdown list, select Custom.5. In the Formula box, enter the following formula:=COUNTIF($E$2:$E$10,E2)=16. Select the Error Alert tab.7. In the Error message box, enter "The value you entered already appears in the list above".8. Click OK.

EXCEL 避免重复录入数据