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EXCEL offset配合sum求和

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:网上搜集  发布时间:2019-1-26 10:14:40

由 ?﹏???ζ???﹏﹏? 创建, 最后一次修改 2015-11-04 .中国教程网zhangditony翻译,转载请保留此信息 . To sum cells a2:a5 using sum function. If you insert a row directly above the SUM formula, the new row may not be included in the SUM. It may continue to sum cells A2:A5, and ignore A6. To ensure that new rows are included in the total, you can use  the  OFFSET function.Select cell A6. Enter the following formula:    =SUM(A2:OFFSET(A6,-1,0)) Press the Enter key to complete the entry. Insert a row above row 6 Type a number in cell A6, and it will be included in the total in cell A7      实际工作中,经常需要在原有求和公式前再增加新行,如果增加一行或增加多行后,每行都输入数据,excel会智能的更改SUM公式的求和范围,如果增加多行后,未按序输入,SUM公式就会保持原来的求和范围以至得出错误的结果,为避免这种现象,我们可以试用offset函数配合sum函数求解,做到以不变应万变。[A6=SUM(A2:OFFSET(A6,-1,0)) ]

EXCEL offset配合sum求和