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EXCEL 美化图表

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:网上搜集  发布时间:2019-1-26 10:14:25

由 ?﹏???ζ???﹏﹏? 创建, 最后一次修改 2015-11-03 中国教程网zhangditony翻译,转载请保留此信息 . Jazzing up charts with interesting shapes makes a strong visual statement when displaying results. In the figure below, a number of pictures were added. You can add letters to data markers in any order you like or replace data markers with flags or anything else; just use your imagination. In the Chart, select the desired data markers (if you want to replace them with the same picture).From the Insert menu, select Picture.From the Insert Clip Art pane , select the picture you want to use to replace the column. 注:data markers即数据标志,单一数据点或数据系列如果演示图表时想给别人留下更深刻的印象,可以采用以下方法1。选择图表中的单一数据或数据系列2。选插入--“图片”中的“剪贴画”或“来自文件”,选择一幅图片,就会出现意想不到的效果。原图表:装饰后图表:

EXCEL 美化图表