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减小字体 增大字体 作者:华军  来源:华军资讯  发布时间:2019-4-24 15:13:12

原标题:复古范、惊悚风、模仿秀,今年最具创意的毕业照,你喜欢哪一款?毕业季到啦~你的#毕业照#难道还是跟爸妈一样的那种老一套?小编不得不说,V字手势,扔帽子神马的都老掉牙啦。Chinese college graduates are here to show the world the appropriate way to freeze your memory of youth, from beginner’s level to advanced. Now grab your pen.中国的毕业生们用行动告诉世界这才是正确的青春留念方式。以下是从入门级到超神级,快拿笔来记吧。A creative graduation photo made by students from the School of International Studies at Peking University.北大毕业照——来自北京大学国际关系学院的毕业生们拍出了独具创意的毕业照Level 1: The Good Old Days入门级:流金岁月创意指数:一颗星难度系数:一颗星完整性:两颗星At the beginner’s level, all you have to do is pick a style from history that you and your friends like and wear it together. Renting a costume might cost you a little money, but it’s hard to complain when you imagine how easy it will be to stand out.这种新手阶段的毕业照非常好拍,你只需要约上三五好友共同穿上某个时代的服装即可。只需要花一点钱租一套这样的衣服,你的毕业照就能轻轻松松不落入俗套。Students at Zhongshan University in Guangdong.广东中山大学学生毕业照Level 2: The Imitation Game进阶级:模仿即王道创意指数:两颗星难度系数:两颗星完整性:三颗星We all know that imitation can be the stepping stone to innovation. Simply get your friends to copy some movie scenes and voila, amazingness achieved.模仿是创新的敲门砖,只需要和死党们一起简单模仿一些电影片段拍成照片,看,效果杠杠滴。Note that the tricky part is carrying it out accurately. If you can capture the mood, the subtle look, and even the slightest angle of the feet, then congratulations! You win.但这一阶段需要注意,一定要力求模仿到位。如果你能准确把握影片的情绪基调,抓准每一个微妙的表情甚至是脚下的角度,那么恭喜你,你已经可以胜出了。Students from Shandong University copy the poster of Breakup Buddies, a popular Chinese movie.山东大学的毕业生在毕业照中模仿了《心花路放》的宣传海报。Level 3: Risky Business宗师级:乖仔也疯狂创意指数:三颗星难度系数:两颗星完整性:四颗星“The higher the risk, the higher the return.” These guys decided to go “pants-down.” They’re probably looking forward to the day when their kids ask, “Dad, what the hell were you doing at my age?”俗话说风险越高回报越高,于是这帮哥们儿决定拍一组“脱裤子”照片。他们可能是期待有朝一日他们的孩子会问:“爸爸,你当年搞得那是什么鬼?”This one was taken at Communication University of China.这张照片来自中国传媒大学Not totally clear what’s going on here…这画面太美我不忍看湖南师范大学毕业照Students from Hunan Normal University.Level 4: The Magic of After-Production超神级:无敌后期P图秀创意指数:五颗星难度系数:五颗星完整性:五颗星OMG我的天哪Perfect.完美Breathless.屏息And the winner goes to….那么,最具创意毕业照的获奖作品是
