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Google 地图参考手册

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:网上搜集  发布时间:2019-1-11 7:11:10

Google 地图 API 参考手册Google 地图API 参考手册地图构造函数/对象描述Map()在指定的 HTML 容器中创建新的地图,该容器通常是一个DIV元素。叠加层构造函数/对象描述Marker创建一个标记。MarkerOptions标记的选项。由DirectionsRenderer渲染的所有标记都将使用这些选项。MarkerImageA structure representing a Marker icon or shadow imageMarkerShapeDefines the marker shape to use in determination of a marker's clickableregion (type and coord)AnimationSpecifies animations that can be played on a marker (bounce or drop)InfoWindowCreates an info windowInfoWindowOptionsOptions for rendering the info windowPolylineCreates a polyline (contains path and stroke styles)PolylineOptionsOptions for rendering the polylinePolygonCreates a polygon (contains path and stroke+fill styles)PolygonOptionsOptions for rendering the polygonRectangleCreates a rectangle (contains bounds and stroke+fill styles)RectangleOptionsOptions for rendering the rectangleCircleCreates a circle (contains center+radius and stroke+fill styles)CircleOptionsOptions for rendering the circleGroundOverlay?GroundOverlayOptions?OverlayView?MapPanes?MapCanvasProjection?事件构造函数/对象描述MapsEventListenerIt has no methods and no constructor. Its instances are returned fromaddListener(), addDomListener() and are eventually passed back toremoveListener()eventAdds/Removes/Trigger event listenersMouseEventReturned from various mouse events on the map and overlays控件集构造函数/对象描述MapTypeControlOptionsHolds options for modifying a control (position and style)MapTypeControlStyleSpecifies what kind of map control to display (Drop-down menu orbuttons) OverviewMapControlOptionsOptions for rendering of the overview map control (opened or collapsed)PanControlOptionsOptions for rendering of the pan control (position)RotateControlOptionsOptions for rendering of the rotate control (position)ScaleControlOptionsOptions for rendering of the scale control (position and style)ScaleControlStyleSpecifies what kind of scale control to displayStreetViewControlOptionsOptions for rendering of the street view pegman control (position)ZoomControlOptionsOptions for rendering of the zoom control (position and style)ZoomControlStyleSpecifies what kind of zoom control to display (large or small)ControlPositionSpecifies the placement of controls on the map

Google 地图参考手册