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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:网上搜集  发布时间:2019-1-4 8:50:21


CSS.Secrets 英文原版下载

Lea Verou
W3C CSS工作组特邀专家,设计CSS语言的委员之一,此前曾在W3C担任开发者代言人。目前,她在麻省理工学院从事人机交互领域的研究。她还是一位博客作家,并经常在国际性的技术会议上担任讲师;她创建的多个开源项目广受开发者欢迎。
原名张鹏,国内知名的CSS技术专家,百姓网前端架构师。拥有近十年的网站开发经验,在移动前端领域积累颇深,自称“披着工程师外衣的设计师”。他是CMUI、Action、GHX等开源项目的作者,曾为GitHub、Gulp、Stylus等网站和项目翻译过大量文档;其生动活泼、循序渐进的博客写作风格深受读者喜爱;在CSS Conf等技术会议上所作的演讲广受好评。



Chapter 1Introduction
Web standards: friend or foe?
CSS coding tips
Chapter 2Backgrounds & Borders
1 Translucent borders
2 Multiple borders
3 Flexible background positioning
4 Inner rounding
5 Striped backgrounds
6 Complex background patterns
7 (Pseudo)random backgrounds
8 Continuous image borders
Chapter 3Shapes
9 Flexible ellipses
10 Parallelograms
11 Diamond images
12 Cutout corners
13 Trapezoid tabs
14 Simple pie charts
Chapter 4Visual Effects
15 One-sided shadows
16 Irregular drop shadows
17 Color tinting
18 Frosted glass effect
19 Folded corner effect
Chapter 5Typography
20 Hyphenation
21 Inserting line breaks
22 Zebra-striped text lines
23 Adjusting tab width
24 Ligatures
25 Fancy ampersands
26 Custom underlines
27 Realistic text effects
28 Circular text
Chapter 6User Experience
29 Picking the right cursor
30 Extending the clickable area
31 Custom checkboxes
32 De-emphasize by dimming
33 De-emphasize by blurring
34 Scrolling hints
35 Interactive image comparison
Chapter 7Structure & Layout
36 Intrinsic sizing
37 Taming table column widths
38 Styling by sibling count
39 Fluid background, fixed content
40 Vertical centering
41 Sticky footers
Chapter 8Transitions & Animations
42 Elastic transitions
43 Frame-by-frame animations
44 Blinking
45 Typing animation
46 Smooth state animations
47 Animation along a circular path

链接:下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c5NrIY 密码:zhvk
