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有声阅读:267.Do As the Americans Do

减小字体 增大字体 作者:华军  来源:华军资讯  发布时间:2019-2-10 2:25:21

me. I would say, “That’s a really good question”or“That’s an interesting point” before I proceed to explain or give an answer, although the question may be ridiculous or foolish sometimes. There are certainly a lot of other things I’ve learned and adjusted to here, but there are also things that I know I will never be able to learn: shouting as a way of talking to your friends in the bar on Friday night, or driving at breakneck speed, winding down the windows of your car and playing rock’n’roll at full volume so as to deafen every passenger on the road.多夸奖别人。我怀疑美国人的自信是与他们不断给予彼此的夸奖有关。只要有成就或进步,不管大小,父母与孩子之间、夫妻之间、朋友之间、熟人之间都会互相夸奖。在平日里,他们都喜欢夸奖别人的外表。所以,要善于及时发现别人是否穿了新的或令人印象深刻的衣服,并要记住说:“你穿这新衬衣真靓!”“我真喜欢你的外套!”“你那背包真够酷的!”如果你实在找不出什么新东西,你就干脆说:“嘿,你今天看起来真精神!”作为老师,我学会了不管什么时候学生提问都予以热情表扬。我会说:“这个问题提得真好”或“这个看法很有意思”,然后我再予以解答,尽管有时候那问题可能很可笑或很傻。当然,我在这儿还学会了许多其他东西,但我知道也有许多东西我永远也学不来。比如,周五的晚上去酒吧以喊叫的方式与朋友交谈;或以快得可怕的速度开着车,把所有的车窗玻璃都摇下,放着摇滚乐,把音量调到最大,让路上的每一个行人都震耳欲聋……

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有声阅读:267.Do As the Americans Do