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减小字体 增大字体 作者:华军  来源:华军资讯  发布时间:2019-2-27 22:40:53

!回顾第一届区块链大会精彩内容,查看密探此前报道:干货!莱特币CEO、瑞波币CEO 等大咖在 Blockchain Connect Conference 上讲了什么?主办方:Blockchain Connect Conference承办方:CryptoParency专注于区块链的科技咨询机构CryptoParency是一家位于美国旧金山的区块链咨询顾问公司,致力于帮助最有潜力的区块链公司成长。从项目理念构想到产品落地,我们为客户提供战略制定、市场推广、技术支持、社区运营等咨询业务。2018,我们将着重服务客户推广区块链项目技术、培养区块链技术人才、建立区块链技术社群。CryptoParency is a technology consultancy that fosters the growth of the most promising blockchain platforms. From proofs of concept to deployment, we catalyze distributed ledger networks and decentralized applications by building robust developer communities and bringing together all industry stakeholders around our clients.Blockchain at Berkeley高校导向区块链大型学生组织Blockchain at Berkeley is the largest university-led blockchain student organization. We bring together eclectic team of individuals, ranging from computer scientists to business leaders, to develop what we see as the technology of the future: blockchain. We believe blockchain offers the potential for massive disruption in many industries. By positioning ourselves as the bridge between academia and the public sphere, Blockchain at Berkeley provides the knowledge and education this rapidly-evolving space so desperately needs.

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