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谷歌CVPR最全总结:45篇论文,Ian Goodfellow GAN演讲PPT下载

减小字体 增大字体 作者:华军  来源:华军资讯  发布时间:2019-4-2 2:13:11

tructural RepresentationsYuting Zhang, Yijie Guo, Yixin Jin, Yijun Luo, Zhiyuan He, Honglak Lee用核预测网络去噪Burst Denoising with Kernel Prediction NetworksBen Mildenhall, Jiawen Chen, Jonathan Barron, Robert Carroll, Dillon Sharlet, Ren Ng神经网络的量化和训练,以实现高效的整数运算推理Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only InferenceBenoit Jacob, Skirmantas Kligys, Bo Chen, Matthew Tang, Menglong Zhu, Andrew Howard, Dmitry Kalenichenko, Hartwig AdamPix3D:单图像3D形状建模的数据集和方法Pix3D: Dataset and Methods for Single-Image 3D Shape ModelingXingyuan Sun, Jiajun Wu, Xiuming Zhang, Zhoutong Zhang, Tianfan Xue, Joshua Tenenbaum,William Freeman用于表示和编辑图像的稀疏智能轮廓Sparse, Smart Contours to Represent and Edit ImagesTali Dekel, Dilip Krishnan, Chuang Gan, Ce Liu, William FreemanMaskLab:通过使用语义和方向特征优化对象检测进行实例分割MaskLab: Instance Segmentation by Refining Object Detection with Semantic and Direction FeaturesLiang-Chieh Chen, Alexander Hermans, George Papandreou, Florian Schroff, Peng Wang,Hartwig Adam大规模细粒度分类和领域特定的迁移学习Large Scale Fine-Grained Categorization and Domain-Specific Transfer LearningYin Cui, Yang Song, Chen Sun, Andrew Howard, Serge Belongie改进的带有初始值和空间自适应比特率的有损网络压缩Improved Lossy Image Compression with Priming and Spatially Adaptive Bit Rates for Recurrent NetworksNick Johnston, Damien Vincent, David Minnen, Michele Covell, Saurabh Singh, Sung Jin Hwang, George Toderici, Troy Chinen, Joel ShorMobileNetV2:反向残差和线性瓶颈MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear BottlenecksMark Sandler, Andrew Howard, Menglong Zhu, Andrey Zhmoginov, Liang-Chieh ChenScanComplete:3D扫描的大规模场景补完和语义分割ScanComplete: Large-Scale Scene Completion and Semantic Segmentation for 3D ScansAngela Dai, Daniel Ritchie, Martin Bokeloh, Scott Reed, Juergen Sturm, Matthias Nie?nerSim2Real通过循环控制查看不变视觉伺服Sim2Real View Invariant Visual Servoing by Recurrent ControlFereshteh Sadeghi, Alexander Toshev, Eric Jang, Sergey LevineAlternating-Stereo VINS:可观测性分析和性能评估Alternating-Stereo VINS: Observability Analysis and PerformanceEvaluationMrinal Kanti Paul, Stergios Roumeliotis桌上足球Soccer on Your TabletopKonstantinos Rematas, Ira Kemelmacher, Brian Curless, Steve Seitz使用3D几何约束从单眼视频中无监督地学习深度和自我运动Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion from Monocular Video Using 3D Geometric ConstraintsReza Mahjourian, Martin Wicke, Anelia AngelovaAVA:一个时空本地化原子视觉动作视频数据集AVA: A Video Dataset of Spatio-temporally Localized Atomic Visual ActionsChunhui Gu, Chen Sun, David Ross, Carl Vondrick, Caroline Pantofaru, Yeqing Li, Sudheendra Vijayanarasimhan, George Toderici, Susanna Ricco, Rahul Sukthankar, Cordelia Schmid, Jitendra Malik推断来自阴影中的光场Inferring Light Fields from ShadowsManel Baradad, Vickie Ye, Adam Yedida, Fredo Durand, William Freeman, Gregory Wornell, Antonio Torralba修改多个视图中的非本地变量Modifying Non-Local Variations Across Multiple ViewsTal Tlusty, Tomer Michaeli, Tali Dekel, Lihi Zelnik-Manor用于单目深度估计的孔径监控Aperture Supervision for Monocular Depth EstimationPratul Srinivasan, Rahul Garg, Neal Wadhwa, Ren Ng, Jonathan Barron实例嵌入转移到无监督视频对象分割Instance Embedding Transfer to Unsupervised Video Object SegmentationSiyang Li, Bryan Seybold, Alexey Vorobyov, Alireza Fathi, Qin Huang, C.-C. Jay Kuo帧回放视频超分辨率Frame-Recurrent Video Super-ResolutionMehdi S. M. Sajjadi, Raviteja Vemulapalli, Matthew Brown稀疏时间池网络的弱监督动作定位Weakly Supervised Action Localization by Sparse Temporal Pooling NetworkPhuc Nguyen, Ting Liu, Gautam Prasad, Bohyung Han超越卷积的迭代视觉推理Iterative Visual Reasoning Beyond ConvolutionsXinlei Chen, Li-jia Li, Fei-Fei Li, Abhinav Gupta学习和使用时间箭头Learning and Using the Arrow of TimeDonglai Wei, Andrew Zisserman, William Freeman, Joseph LimHydraNets:高效推理的专用动态架构HydraNets: Specialized Dynamic Architectures for Efficient InferenceRavi Teja Mullapudi, Noam Shazeer, William Mark, Kayvon Fatahalian在有限的监督下进行胸部疾病的识别和定位Thoracic Disease Identification and Localization with Limited SupervisionZhe Li, Chong Wang, Mei Han, Yuan Xue, Wei Wei, Li-jia Li, Fei-Fei Li推断分层文本-图像合成的语义布局Inferring Semantic Layout for Hierarchical Text-to-Image SynthesisSeunghoon Hong, Dingdong Yang, Jongwook Choi, Honglak Lee深层语义的脸部去模糊Deep Semantic Face DeblurringZiyi Shen, Wei-Sheng Lai, Tingfa Xu, Jan Kautz, Ming-Hsuan Yang3D形变模型回归的无监督训练Unsupervised Training for 3D Morphable Model RegressionKyle Genova, Forrester Cole, Aaron Maschinot, Daniel Vlasic, Aaron Sarna, William Freeman学习可扩展图像识别的可转换架构Learning Transferable Architectures for Scalable Image RecognitionBarret Zoph, Vijay Vasudevan, Jonathon Shlens, Quoc Le利用观察世界来学习内在的图像分解Learning Intrinsic Image Decomposition from Watching the WorldZhengqi Li, Noah SnavelyPiCANet:

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谷歌CVPR最全总结:45篇论文,Ian Goodfellow GAN演讲PPT下载