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减小字体 增大字体 作者:华军  来源:华军资讯  发布时间:2019-1-30 23:08:11

  Glances是Linux下的监控工具,能够对Linux系统的性能及使用情况进行监控,安装完Glances,就可以使用Glances命令进行相关监控了,下面小编就给大家详细介绍下Linux安装和使用Glances的方法,感兴趣的朋友可以来了解下。  Glances安装  Glances安装要求:python 》= 2.6 和 psutil 》= 0.4.1  # pip install psutil  # pip install pysensors  # pip install hddtemp  # git clone https://github.com/nicolargo/glances.git  # cd glances  # python setup.py install  Glances的使用  # glances -h  Glances version 1.7a with PsUtil 0.7.1  Usage: glances [opt]  with opt:  -b Display network rate in Byte per second  -B @IP|host Bind server to the given IP or host NAME  -c @IP|host Connect to a Glances server  -C file Path to the configuration file  -d Disable disk I/O module  -e Enable the sensors module (Linux-only)  -f file Set the output folder (HTML) or file (CSV)  -h Display the syntax and exit  -m Disable mount module  -n Disable network module  -o output Define additional output (available: HTML or CSV)  -p PORT Define the client or server TCP port (default: 61209)  -P password Client/server password  -r Do not list processes (significant CPU use reduction)  -s Run Glances in server mode  -t sec Set the refresh time in seconds (default: 3)  -v Display the version and exit  -y Enable the hddtemp module (needs running hddtemp daemon)  -z Do not use the bold color attribute  -1 Start Glances in per CPU mode       好啦,以上就是华军小编带给大家的全部内容了,是不是很简单呢?你学会了么?想了解更多的相关内容,请随时关注华军资讯动态吧,欢迎到华军来下载哦!
