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Nginx 示例: hello handler 模块

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:网上搜集  发布时间:2019-1-23 14:28:53

type.len = sizeof("text/html") - 1; *r->headers_out.content_type.data = (u_char *)"text/html"; */ ngx_str_set(&r->headers_out.content_type, "text/html"); /* send the header only, if the request type is http 'HEAD' */ if (r->method == NGX_HTTP_HEAD) { r->headers_out.status = NGX_HTTP_OK; r->headers_out.content_length_n = content_length; return ngx_http_send_header(r); } /* allocate a buffer for your response body */ b = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t)); if (b == NULL) { return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } /* attach this buffer to the buffer chain */ out.buf = b; out.next = NULL; /* adjust the pointers of the buffer */ b->pos = ngx_hello_string; b->last = ngx_hello_string + content_length; b->memory = 1; /* this buffer is in memory */ b->last_buf = 1; /* this is the last buffer in the buffer chain */ /* set the status line */ r->headers_out.status = NGX_HTTP_OK; r->headers_out.content_length_n = content_length; /* send the headers of your response */ rc = ngx_http_send_header(r); if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc > NGX_OK || r->header_only) { return rc; } /* send the buffer chain of your response */ return ngx_http_output_filter(r, &out); } static void *ngx_http_hello_create_loc_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf) { ngx_http_hello_loc_conf_t* local_conf = NULL; local_conf = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_hello_loc_conf_t)); if (local_conf == NULL) { return NULL; } ngx_str_null(&local_conf->hello_string); local_conf->hello_counter = NGX_CONF_UNSET; return local_conf; } /* static char *ngx_http_hello_merge_loc_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf, void *parent, void *child) { ngx_http_hello_loc_conf_t* prev = parent; ngx_http_hello_loc_conf_t* conf = child; ngx_conf_merge_str_value(conf->hello_string, prev->hello_string, ngx_hello_default_string); ngx_conf_merge_value(conf->hello_counter, prev->hello_counter, 0); return NGX_CONF_OK; }*/ static char * ngx_http_hello_string(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { ngx_http_hello_loc_conf_t* local_conf; local_conf = conf; char* rv = ngx_conf_set_str_slot(cf, cmd, conf); ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "hello_string:%s", local_conf->hello_string.data); return rv; } static char *ngx_http_hello_counter(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { ngx_http_hello_loc_conf_t* local_conf; local_conf = conf; char* rv = NULL; rv = ngx_conf_set_flag_slot(cf, cmd, conf); ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "hello_counter:%d", local_conf->hello_counter); return rv; } static ngx_int_t ngx_http_hello_init(ngx_conf_t *cf) { ngx_http_handler_pt *h; ngx_http_core_main_conf_t *cmcf; cmcf = ngx_http_conf_get_module_main_conf(cf, ngx_http_core_module); h = ngx_array_push(&cmcf->phases[NGX_HTTP_CONTENT_PHASE].handlers); if (h == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } *h = ngx_http_hello_handler; return NGX_OK; }通过上面一些介绍,我相信大家都能对整个示例模块有一个比较好的理解。唯一可能感觉有些理解困难的地方在于ngx_http_hello_handler 函数里面产生和设置输出。但其实大家在本书的前面的相关章节都可以看到对 ngx_buf_t 和 request 等相关数据结构的说明。如果仔细看了这些地方的说明的话,应该对这里代码的实现就比较容易理解了。因此,这里不再赘述解释。

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Nginx 示例: hello handler 模块