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CoffeeScript 生成器模式

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:网上搜集  发布时间:2019-1-15 15:34:12

由 珍珍阿姨 创建,Carrie 最后一次修改 2016-08-12 生成器模式问题你需要准备一个复杂的、多部分的对象,你希望操作不止一次或有不同的配置。解决方案创建一个生成器封装对象的产生过程。Todo.txt格式提供了一个先进的但还是纯文本的方法来维护待办事项列表。手工输入每个项目有损耗且容易出错,然而TodoTxtBuilder类可以解决我们的麻烦:class TodoTxtBuilder constructor: (defaultParameters={ }) -> @date = new Date(defaultParameters.date) or new Date @contexts = defaultParameters.contexts or [ ] @projects = defaultParameters.projects or [ ] @priority = defaultParameters.priority or undefined newTodo: (description, parameters={ }) -> date = (parameters.date and new Date(parameters.date)) or @date contexts = @contexts.concat(parameters.contexts or [ ]) projects = @projects.concat(parameters.projects or [ ]) priorityLevel = parameters.priority or @priority createdAt = [date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1, date.getDate()].join("-") contextNames = ("@#{context}" for context in contexts when context).join(" ") projectNames = ("+#{project}" for project in projects when project).join(" ") priority = if priorityLevel then "(#{priorityLevel})" else "" todoParts = [priority, createdAt, description, contextNames, projectNames] (part for part in todoParts when part.length > 0).join " "builder = new TodoTxtBuilder(date: "10/13/2011")builder.newTodo "Wash laundry"# => '2011-10-13 Wash laundry'workBuilder = new TodoTxtBuilder(date: "10/13/2011", contexts: ["work"])workBuilder.newTodo "Show the new design pattern to Lucy", contexts: ["desk", "xpSession"]# => '2011-10-13 Show the new design pattern to Lucy @work @desk @xpSession'workBuilder.newTodo "Remind Sean about the failing unit tests", contexts: ["meeting"], projects: ["compilerRefactor"], priority: 'A'# => '(A) 2011-10-13 Remind Sean about the failing unit tests @work @meeting +compilerRefactor'讨论TodoTxtBuilder类负责所有文本的生成,让程序员关注每个工作项的独特元素。此外,命令行工具或GUI可以插入这个代码且之后仍然保持支持,提供轻松、更高版本的格式。前期建设并不是每次创建一个新的实例所需的对象都要从头开始,我们将负担转移到一个单独的对象,可以在对象创建过程中进行调整。builder = new TodoTxtBuilder(date: "10/13/2011")builder.newTodo "Order new netbook"# => '2011-10-13 Order new netbook'builder.projects.push "summerVacation"builder.newTodo "Buy suntan lotion"# => '2011-10-13 Buy suntan lotion +summerVacation'builder.contexts.push "phone"builder.newTodo "Order tickets"# => '2011-10-13 Order tickets @phone +summerVacation'delete builder.contexts[0]builder.newTodo "Fill gas tank"# => '2011-10-13 Fill gas tank +summerVacation'练习扩大project-和context-tag生成代码来过滤掉重复的条目。一些Todo.txt用户喜欢在任务描述中插入项目和上下文的标签。添加代码来识别这些标签和过滤器的结束标记。

CoffeeScript 生成器模式