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减小字体 增大字体 作者:╰⑥月の雨╮     来源:asp编程网  发布时间:2018-12-30 8:34:56

.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset") Rs.open m_sql,m_DataConn,1 If Not (rs.eof and rs.bof) Then While Not rs.eof Dim fieldlegth fieldlegth = rs.Fields.count ReDim Preserve SQLARR(fieldlegth,k) Dim fieldi For fieldi = 0 To fieldlegth-1 SQLArr(fieldi,k) = rs.Fields(fieldi).value Next rs.movenext k=k+1 Wend End If rs.close Set rs = Nothing m_SQLArr = SQLArr End Function '类的辅助私有方法========================================= Rem 写xml文件 Private Sub WriteStringToXMLFile(filename,str) Dim fs,ts Set fs= createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") If Not IsObject(fs) Then Exit Sub Set ts=fs.OpenTextFile(filename,2,True) ts.writeline(str) ts.close Set ts=Nothing Set fs=Nothing End Sub Rem 判断xml缓存是否到期 Private Function isXmlCacheExpired(file,seconds) Dim filelasttime filelasttime = FSOGetFileLastModifiedTime(file) If DateAdd("s",seconds,filelasttime) <
Now Then isXmlCacheExpired = True Else isXmlCacheExpired = False End If End Function Rem 得到文件的最后修改时间 Private Function FSOGetFileLastModifiedTime(file) Dim fso,f,s Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f=fso.GetFile(file) FSOGetFileLastModifiedTime = f.DateLastModified Set f = Nothing Set fso = Nothing End Function Rem 文件是否存在 Public Function FSOExistsFile(file) Dim fso Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If fso.FileExists(file) Then FSOExistsFile = true Else FSOExistsFile = false End If Set fso = nothing End Function Rem xml转义字符 Private Function XMLStringEnCode(str) If str&
"" = "" Then XMLStringEnCode="":Exit Function str = Replace(str,"<
") str = Replace(str,">
") str = Replace(str,"'","&
") str = Replace(str,"""",""") str = Replace(str,"&
") XMLStringEnCode = str End Function Rem 创建文件夹 Private function CreateDIR(byval LocalPath) On Error Resume Next Dim i,FileObject,patharr,path_level,pathtmp,cpath LocalPath = Replace(LocalPath,"\","/") Set FileObject = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") patharr = Split(LocalPath,"/") path_level = UBound (patharr) For i = 0 To path_level If i=0 Then pathtmp=patharr(0) &
"/" Else pathtmp = pathtmp &
patharr(i) &
"/" End If cpath = left(pathtmp,len(pathtmp)-1) If Not FileObject.FolderExists(cpath) Then 'Response.write cpath FileObject.CreateFolder cpath End If Next Set FileObject = Nothing If err.number<
0 Then CreateDIR = False err.Clear Else CreateDIR = True End If End FunctionEnd Class'设置缓存Function SetCache(xmlFilePath,CacheTime,Conn,Sql) set cache=new XmlCacheCls Set cache.Conn=Conn cache.XmlFile=xmlFilePath cache.Sql=Sql cache.CacheTime=CacheTime cache.WriteDataToXml Set cache = Nothing End Function'读取缓存Function ReadCache(xmlFilePath,Conn,Sql,ByRef ReadOn) set cache=new XmlCacheCls Set cache.Conn=conn cache.XmlFile=xmlFilePath cache.Sql=Sql cache.ReadData ReadCache=cache.SQLArr ReadOn=cache.ReadOn Set cache = Nothing End Function%>


#include file="include/xmlcachecls.asp" -->
# "&
") 测试数据从哪里读取的 使用时注释掉If IsArray(rsArray) then for i=0 to ubound(rsarray,2) ********* nextEnd IfstrSel=""rsarray=""%>


#include file="../conn.asp" -->
#include file="../include/xmlcachecls.asp" -->
Sql=""call SetCache(Server.Mappath("../xmlcache/index/**********.xml"),60*10,Conn,Sql) '60*10 表示缓存的时间


script type="text/javascript" src="cache.asp">


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